Monday 7 April 2008



Global warming refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average temperature of the lower atmosphere. Global warming can have many different causes, but it is most commonly associated with human interference, specifically the release of excessive amounts of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapor, and fluorinated gases, act like a greenhouse around the earth. This means that they let the heat from the Sun into the atmosphere, but do not allow the heat to escape back into space. The more greenhouse gases there are, the larger the percentage of heat that is trapped inside the earth’s atmosphere.

Without a natural greenhouse effect, the temperature of the Earth would be about zero degrees F (-18°C) instead of its present 57°F (14°C). So, the concern is not with the fact that we have a greenhouse effect, but whether human activities are leading to an enhancement of the greenhouse effect.
There has been a general, but not global, tendency towards reduced diurnal temperature range (DTR), (the difference between high and low daily temperatures) over about 50% of the global land mass since the middle of the 20th century. Cloud cover has increased in many of the areas with reduced diurnal temperature range.
As temperatures rise, disease-carrying mosquitoes and rodents spread, infecting people in their wake. Doctors at the Harvard Medical School have linked the recent U.S. outbreaks of dengue fever, malaria, Hantavirus and other diseases directly to climate change.
Super powerful hurricanes, fueled by warmer Ocean temperatures are the “smoking gun” of global warming. Since 1970, the number of category 4 and 5 events has jumped sharply. Human activities are adding an alarming amount of pollution to the earth’s atmosphere causing catastrophic shifts in weather patterns. These shifts are causing severe heat, floods and worse.

The biggest cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide released when fossil fuels like oil and coal are burned for energy. So when energy is saved global warming is resisted.
Tragically, we are about half a century away from being ecologically and economically bankrupt because of global warming We can just do our bit by choosing an efficient, least polluting vehicle, buying energy efficient appliances and trying and incorporating the use of compact fluorescent bulbs instead of the incandescent bulbs which we normally use and last but not the least by weatherizing our homes and cutting our heating and cooling expenses and reducing the burning of fossil fuels.
After all, the advent of changes in global climate signals that we are now living beyond the Earth's capacity to absorb a major waste product.

Article for TOI


College—a placid word, but with an increasing number of interpretations for every student, always brings out a twinkle in the eyes. Sending messages on mobiles during lectures, managing of the bunk sheets for the defaulters lists, spending sleepless nights worrying about the passing marks, late-night submissions and a series of night outs, departmental rivalry, cultural activities, the college sweatshirts—all seems like the perfect snapshot of the astounding period of college life!

But all good things in life come to an end and college life is no exception. Before you know, you have already grown up! You reach a point where you suddenly are bombarded with lot of decision making. Life, which was always so happening and eventful, suddenly takes a turn towards serious issues and radical maturity.

Devayani Mulay, a last year Psychology student holds, “The last day of college is indeed depressing. For me, it’s the end of one of the most memorable and best periods of my life. As a Psychology student, I have always found my college life very fulfilling and have enjoyed every moment of it. The three years of my graduation passed really fast and I am in the transition phase now. Life will change but the time I spent in my college will always be cherished.”

Aditya Tapadia, a last year engineering student says, “College life was full of submissions, deadlines and pressures. But despite that I enjoyed a lot with my friends and was also very active on the cultural front. Although I will miss my college days, I believe that it’s a phase and it has to go. I am looking forward to my post graduation and am hoping that it will be as enriching as B.E.”

Sheetal Pathak, a last year M.A. Economics student opines, “The last day of college literally got butterflies in my stomach. It was like a nightmare to accept that from the next day, life would be completely different. All of us who were together now would segregate and go their own way. Another factor was stepping out of the shell and making up my mind with regards to what I wanted to do next.”

The last day of college is like the final page of your favorite novel, where you look back and feel the euphoria of having known the entire book but with the grief of it having ended. But come what may, one has to come to terms with reality and be optimistic towards walking up the next phases of life. Time flies; what remain are the memories. So cheers to them!!

Sunday 4 November 2007

Article for TOI...

A rollercoaster Marathi two-act play powered with a captivating script and incredible performances.

The astounding Marathi two act play ‘Makadachya Hati Champagne’ written by Vivek Bele and effectively directed by Girish Joshi revolves around three men in a bachelor cushion. The characters bear non-conventional but identifiable roles like ‘Chaku’ played by Sandesh Jadhav, who is the uncouth, foul-mouthed and aggressive chap contrasted by the bookish, sophisticated and sissy ‘Pustak’ played by Akshay Pendse along with the most attention-grabbing character of ‘Makad’, who is a television reporter and would do anything on earth to get or even create news. The real story emerges with the ingress of ‘Pencil’, the unpredictable and esoteric woman, played by the ravishing Sharvani Pillai, in their lives. Struggling at this mooting competition to woo Pencil, Chaku and Pustak literally play the tug of war with Pustak finally emerging as the winner. But the play gets even more happening with Pencil’s bigamy, Chaku’s scheming plans of action to break Pustak’s marriage and Makad’s cunning but seemingly convincing and rational ideas on the 21st century marriage norms-which all blend in for that perfect, sizzling 180 minutes charismatic and spellbinding audio-visual ride!

Having won numerous accolades including the most prestigious Zee Gaurav Puraskar, 2007 for acting, script, play, music and direction as also the State Government Awards, 2007, the play is on its ultimate pinnacle. It has not only enthralled the audience in India but has also leaped to the U.S. and Dubai.

The story was basically conceived based on the political mileage rampant in the Indian political arena, coalition between parties and the filthy political relations. It has been symbolically imbibed in the central characters and that has been analogously drawn into a similar political maze in our personal and family lives. Speaking to Anand Ingale who has perfectly portrayed the character of ‘Makad’, he held, “We have already completed 402 performances of the play. We have envisaged it to hit a record of 525 performances by the 26th of January, 2008 and we would not look back at least till we touch the thousandth show”. According to Anand, the ultimate USP of the play is the perfect chemistry of its fundamental pieces like the script, direction, actors and their synergy and the appeal to the audience. It is indeed rare to find each of these requisites flawless and creatively astute.

“In Marathi, each performance is called a ‘Prayog’ which literally means an experiment. So however many performances we have, the audience is always new. That is what keeps us from the otherwise obvious feeling of monotony. Every play teaches us something new. It is the applause and response from the audience that we respire on to perform with the same enthusiasm every time. And it’s mind-blowing to experience how this mutual relationship between the actors and the audience adds to the flavour of the performance!” remarks Anand with content.

All in all, the play is truly another feather in the cap of the highly endowed and creative Marathi Theater! Shine on Marathi Rangabhumi!

Friday 5 October 2007

Article for The Times Of India

Fitness today is much more than merely looking good. It relates more to the ‘feel good’ factor that adds to the effervescence and confidence that one feels from within. The drive to attain the svelte look and the key to keep fit seem to come with a wholesome and healthy diet coupled with an earnest and guided work-out.

A Detox Diet is a dietary regimen aimed at removing the toxins or contaminants present in the body. Toxins can come from food or water or from chemicals used to grow or prepare food. They can even come from the polluted air that we breathe. Our bodies bring in toxins and then process those toxins through organs like the liver and the kidneys. If accumulated, they can create serious health hazards. Following a Detox diet is an attempt at detoxifying the body and cleansing it internally by following a certain schedule of food consumption.

Seema Thakur, Pune’s leading fitness expert elucidated the intricacies of a Detox diet plan. She explained, “A Detox diet is ideally effective if followed for at least a fortnight. The indispensable thumb rules of the diet include the consumption of lots of fruits, vegetables and water and the abstinence from alcohol and caffeine. This helps in keeping the body hydrated and also in radiating the skin. The diet maintains a gradual progression from liquid to semi-liquid to semi-solid and finally solid food intake. The typical diet constituents are essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fibres that can be obtained from various fruit juices like orange, grape, lemon, apple or pineapple and food preparations like vegetable soups, salads, steamed cabbage or broccoli and roasted chicken. Herbal tea containing peppermint or chamomile can be taken. Also fish, organic chicken or some beans such as lentils, mung or black beans can be consumed to maintain the protein levels”.

Speaking about the ideal work-out regime, fitness trainer, Rajeshree Sureshmane said, “While following a Detox diet, work-out needs to be carefully monitored as the carbohydrate intake is highly reduced, which can alter one’s energy levels. Thus, a steady but low-intensity work-out needs to be carried out. It needs to be holistic including cardio-sets, abs and toning exercises. It is quintessential to warm up before the work-out and incorporate the cooling down exercises involving stretching and relaxation after the work-out. Work-outs coupled with yoga and meditation can work wonders and can be really synergetic for the body”.

After all, for that perfect silhouette, we surely need to burn it up!

Call center clocks: The 21st Century Bane..

With India flaunting its GDP ascension and leaping on to the BPO boom, the call centers are aptly today’s ‘youth mantra’. Lofty salaries, luring incentives and considerably simple job requisites seem like a flawless career alternative to the majority of the IT-city youngsters. But the real intangibility concerns the costs they are paying in terms of health hazards for the entire gain.
Speaking about the serious issues of the call center employees’ physical and mental health and the grave repercussions of working in erratic schedules, Pune’s renowned physician, Dr.H.V. Sardesai threw light on some of the alarming medical facts.

Call center jobs are characterized by working in day or night shifts and irregular routines. This disturbs the body’s biological cycle which is called the Circadian rhythm in medical terms. It is the fundamental biological function taking place in the human body based on which there are about 100 dependent rhythms. These rhythms include hormonal functions, fertility, menstrual cycles for women, breathing cycles and acid secretions. These functions are directly affected when the Circadian rhythm is disturbed. The human body is naturally conditioned to follow a particular time table. When this natural flow is drastically altered, the body can seldom cope with the sudden changes. This in turn leads to many physical as well as emotional disturbances. Physical problems include hunger problems, digestion difficulties, severe weight gain or loss, drowsiness and emotional hazards like moodiness, frustration, irritation and restlessness.

Another problem that has recently developed is what is called as the ‘Metabolic Syndrome’. As a result of constant stress, sitting, lack of exercise and movements, there can be weight gain and many bio-chemical changes in the body. This can lead to the development of the metabolic syndrome. The metabolic risks include abdominal obesity, genetic predisposition, ageing, hormonal imbalance and high blood pressure. Proneness to coronary heart diseases and diseases related to plaque build ups in artery walls increases.

Stress in also one of the most common complaints. It causes anxiety due to which there is hormonal imbalance and hormones like adrenaline can be secreted in a large quantity. This can lead to high blood pressure and could also lead to cardiac problems in the long run. Stress can also create disorders like anxietyneurosis and behavioural problems. Stress aggravates even more when a person doesn’t exercise. When there is no muscular exertion or exertion in the young age, problems like cholesterol rise, increase in lipid profile and proneness to diabetes increase in the early 40s or 50s.

Dr. Aparna Pitre, Pune’s leading Homoeopathic practitioner informed about another medical problem known as the ‘Computer Related Syndrome or CRS’ which has become increasingly common among call center workers as a result of using the keyboard and sitting in front of the computer for long hours. CRS is characterized by tightness, stiffness and aching of the upper extremities. It mainly occurs due to long hours in front of the computer, positional errors and body posture. Symptoms like weakness of fingers, tremors and non-specific pains in hands or arms are typical to CRS.
Also the problem of ‘The Brainfag Syndrome’ is becoming very common among the call centre employees. It is medically a psychiatric difficulty characterized by headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, eye exertion and inability to focus and concentrate. This syndrome can occur usually after a prolonged period of job in a call center.
Awareness about the distressing aftermath of challenging the body clock and working against the natural cycle needs to be cultivated. After all, it is truly quoted, ‘Symptoms, then, are in reality nothing but a cry from suffering organs’.

Thursday 9 August 2007

...To all those who meet again...!

Relationships are horizons...
An illusion of convergence
Beyond any boundaries, barriers or bloodlines
The ones destined to, will inevitably meet.
Each entrenched with his own thoughts, convictions, faith and life
Nevertheless the differences create variety and hues
A vista far ahead of any nirvana, ecstasy or euphoria.
But on and off my mind is triggered
Is this really the horizon?
I probed and pondered and now I know--
My illusion has faded off
The distances have banished,
I can see you, I can feel you....
It is the Almighty's blessing..
I want no more-I can ask to get,
As a matter of fact, My Horizon Has Met!!

Sunday 24 June 2007

..Amidst the mind labyrinth..

Canary Wharf- incredible innovation!
French-just Crepe…with Nutella!
Manchester United-rocking!
Paris Hilton-why her?
Haagen Dazs-better than Ben & Jerry’s!
Multinational finance-not my piece of cake.
‘Death-the leveller’-true. .
Jive-50s yet burgeoning
And I—a repository of a rush of pieces of extraneous, tangential thoughts gushing through my system..!
Stability is seldom the doctrine of the brain cells.
Intrigue-an insatiable addiction!
Who designed my jigsaw puzzle? Looks like Claude Monet’s incomprehensible piece of work...Or did somebody flick my pieces—if not, perhaps I dropped them in my whopping world..!
May be my game is just meant to be that way or nobody ever gave me the guideline book…!
Wisdom and insanity are complementary to each other.
Thank you my stars-- for the generous showers of insanity…
Wisdom will follow some day…….!!